new music for the tuba family
solo or duo works for the tuba family, with or without electronics
Anahita Abbasi, Momentum I (2023) for solo tuba
Commission supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of Great Britain
Premiere: Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music 2024 (Darmstadt, DE), 07.08.2024
Jonas Achermann, Over-Türe (2024) for tuba and percussion
Commissioned by the Lucerne Festival
Premiere: KKL Luzern (Lucerne, CH), 17.11.2024 as part of TUBALIRUM at the Lucerne Festival Forward 2024
Asia Ahmetjanova, א (ALEPH) (2016) for solo tuba
Score available from Edition Gravis (Contemporary Music for Tuba collection)
Premiere: Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music 2016 (Darmstadt, DE), 29.07.-14.08.2016
Live recording: Unerhörte Music (BKA Theatre, Berlin, DE), 24.10.2017
Asia Ahmetjanova, PROTECTION (2017) for tuba, double bass and tape
Premiere: Hošek Contemporary (Berlin, DE), 17.04.2019
Mark Andre, iv 16 for solo tuba
Score available from Wise Music Classical
Premiere: Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music 2018 (Darmstadt, DE), 14.-28.07.2018
Live recording: Unerhörte Music (BKA Theatre, Berlin, DE), 03.11.2020
Georges Aperghis, Parlando (2010) for solo double bass; arranged for solo tuba (2019)
Premiere: Hošek Contemporary (Berlin, DE), 03.09.2020
Live recording: Unerhörte Music (BKA Theatre, Berlin, DE), 03.11.2020
Georges Aperghis, Ruinen (1994) for solo trombone or tuba
Live recording (first performance on tuba): Hochschule für Musik, Theatre und Medien Hannover (DE), 17.02.2015
Luciano Azzigotti, Incursion (2023) for tuba and feedback system
Premiere: Harvard University (Cambridge, MA, USA), 11.05.2023 (work-in-progress)
Orlando Bass, La carne terra (2024) for solo serpent
Commission supported by the Stimulansmedel (Incentive Grant) of the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts of Lund University
Premiere: Lund Contemporary (Lund, SE), 07.02.2025
Studio recording: Malmö, SE (mixed and mastered by Dietrich Petzold) 09.02.2025
Nate Chivers, Placid (2020) for solo tuba
Studio recording: Berlin, DE, March 2020
Ed Cooper, …grown up, you are grown, and feeling stronger, feeling… (2022) for tuba, heartbeat and fixed media
Commission supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of Great Britain
Score available from Edition Gravis (Contemporary Music for Tuba collection)
Premiere: Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music 2024 (Darmstadt, DE), 17.08.2024
Studio recording: Manchester, UK (recorded and mixed by Aaron Holloway-Nahum), 11.-12.04.2022
Athena Corcoran-Tadd, Χρυσοπέλεια (Chrysopeleia) (2025) for solo serpent
Commission supported by the Stimulansmedel (Incentive Grant) of the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts of Lund University
Premiere: Lund Contemporary (Lund, SE), 07.02.2025
Studio recording: Malmö, SE (mixed and mastered by Dietrich Petzold) 10.02.2025
Athena Corcoran-Tadd, SCWBA (2016) for solo prepared tuba
Score available from Edition Gravis (Contemporary Music for Tuba collection)
Premiere: Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music 2016 (Darmstadt, DE), 29.07.-14.08.2016
Live recording: Hošek Contemporary (Berlin, DE), 03.09.2020
Tom Coult, La Belle Captive (2011), for tuba and piano four-hands
Premiere: Royal Northern College of Music (Manchester, UK), 19.06.2011
Steven Daverson, Arkanar: A Report from the Interior (2018) for tuba and live electronics
Score available from Edition Gravis (Contemporary Music for Tuba collection)
Premiere: Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music 2018 (Darmstadt, DE), 14.-28.07.2018 (final version)
Live recording: Royal Northern College of Music (Manchester, UK), 31.10.2019
Henrik Denerin, UŠḪUM.GAL (𒍑𒄷𒅗𒃲) (2024–25) for solo serpent
Commission supported by the Stimulansmedel (Incentive Grant) of the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts of Lund University
Premiere: Lund Contemporary (Lund, SE), 07.02.2025
Studio recording: Malmö, SE (mixed and mastered by Dietrich Petzold) 08.02.2025
Michael Edgerton, 4 sonata: Kleine Aster nach Benn (2024) for amplified tuba
Premiere: Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music 2024 (Darmstadt, DE), 13.08.2024 (work-in-progress)
Eric Skytterholm Egan, of her Skin (2017) for solo tuba
Score available from Edition Gravis (Contemporary Music for Tuba collection)
Premiere: Unerhörte Music (BKA Theatre, Berlin, DE), 24.10.2017
Michael Finnissy, Berliner Tuba (2021) for solo tuba
Commission supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of Great Britain
Score available from Edition Gravis (Contemporary Music for Tuba collection)
Premiere: Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music 2024 (Darmstadt, DE), 15.08.2024
Studio recording: Manchester, UK (recorded and mixed by Aaron Holloway-Nahum), 11.-12.04.2022
Edo Frenkel, Megaphone (2018) for solo amplified muted tuba and tape
Premiere: Stony Brook University (Stony Brook, NY, USA), 30.01.2018 (work-in-progress)
Patrick Friel, a different tune (2021) for voice and tuba
Premiere: Unerhörte Music (BKA Theatre, Berlin, DE), 05.10.2021 (with Lore Lixenburg, voice)
Patrick Friel, Ezra’s Telescope (2017) for solo tuba
Score available from Edition Gravis (Contemporary Music for Tuba collection)
Premiere: Unerhörte Music (BKA Theatre, Berlin, DE), 24.10.2017
Live recording: Stony Brook University (Stony Brook, NY, USA), 30.01.2018
Fernando Garnero, Trans-étude #4: Intérieur (2022) for tuba, field recordings, and live electronics
Premiere: Collection Lambert (Avignon, FR) (final version), 13.11.2023
Live recording: Unerhörte Music (BKA Theatre, Berlin, DE), 20.02.2024
Thomas Gerwin, Prozedere (2015) for tuba/euphonium, recorders and electronics
Premiere: Intersonanzen Festival (Potsdam, DE), 24.04.2016 (with Ivo Berg, recorders)
Bára Gísladóttir, RÓL (og gól (roll & goal)) (2023) for tuba and live electronics
Premiere: Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music 2024 (Darmstadt, DE), 07.08.2024
Live recording (starts at 34:59): Ernst von Siemens Prize Ceremony (Herkulessaal der Münchner Residenz, Munich, DE), 18.05.2024
Vinko Globokar, Juriritubaïoka (1997) for tuba and piano
Hochschule der Stadt Basel (Basel, CH), 28.01.2015 (first performance to composer), with Helga Karen (piano)
Live recording: Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music 2014 (Darmstadt, DE), 14.08.2014, with Asia Ahmetjanova (piano)
Saim Gülay, Today, The Eternity (2018) for tuba solo
Premiere: Bilkent University (Ankara, TR), 15.12.2018
Isabel Benito Gutiérrez, Audiovisual conversations (2019) for tuba and piano
Premiere and live recording: Royal Northern College of Music (Manchester, UK) with Bofan Ma (piano), 31.10.2019
Haukur þór Harðarson, Air and Blood (2018) for tuba and live electronics
Score available from Edition Gravis (Contemporary Music for Tuba collection)
Commission supported by Initiative Neue Musik Berlin
Premiere: Labor Neunzehn (Berlin, DE), 10.12.2017
Emily Howard, Chaos or Chess (2016) for solo tuba
Commission supported by The Leverhulme Trust through an Artist in Residence grant Lasse Rempe-Gillen’s 2012 Philip Leverhulme Prize
Premiere: BBC Proms Extra (London, UK), 25.08.2016
Martin Iddon, Λαμπάδες [Lampades] (2020) for tubist and fixed media
Winner of the Ivors Composers Award for Solo Composition 2021
Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music 2024 (Darmstadt, DE), 07.08.2024
Live recording: Unerhörte Music (BKA Theatre, Berlin, DE), 03.11.2020
Evan Johnson, Rückenfigur (2016) for solo tuba
Score available from Edition Gravis (Contemporary Music for Tuba collection)
Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music 2016 (Darmstadt, DE), 29.07.-14.08.2016
Studio recording: Oxford, UK (recorded and mixed by Nigel McBride), 05.03.2017
Daniel Kalantari, We are here because we are here (2021) for amplified solo tuba
Score available from Edition Gravis (Contemporary Music for Tuba collection)
Premiere: Musikhögskolan i Malmö (Malmö, SE), 14.10.2022
Studio recording: Manchester, UK (recorded and mixed by Aaron Holloway-Nahum), 11.-12.04.2022
Nadir Kaya, uba deconstructed in 7even steps (2018) for solo tuba
Premiere: Bilkent University (Ankara, TR), 15.12.2018
Marina Kifferstein, Löyly (2017) for tuba and violin
Premiere: CLCLR (Berlin, DE), 05.09.2017
Bofan Ma, offset iii (b) - etude for tuba (2018) for a solo tubist
Premiere: Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music 2018 (Darmstadt, DE), 14.-28.07.2018
Live recording: Royal Northern College of Music (Manchester, UK), 31.10.2019
Sylvain Marty, Discreet 2 (2018) for solo tuba
Score available from Edition Gravis (Contemporary Music for Tuba collection)
Premiere: Labor Neunzehn (Berlin, DE), 02.12.2018
Elo Masing, the ghost kettle (2024) for tuba and feedback system
Premiere: Unerhörte Music (BKA Theatre, Berlin, DE), 20.02.2024
Studio recording: Zepernick, DE (recorded and mixed by Dietrich Petzold (tonus arcus)), 03.05.2024
Christian Mason, The Singing Sea (2018) for solo tuba
Commission supported by Initiative Neue Musik Berlin
Premiere: Labor Neunzehn (Berlin, DE), 02.12.2018 (final version)
Nigel McBride, come, from nothing (2016) for tuba solo
Score available from Edition Gravis (Contemporary Music for Tuba collection)
Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music 2016 (Darmstadt, DE), 29.07.-14.08.2016
Studio recording: Oxford, UK, 05.03.2017
Sarah Nemstov, <watcher> (2021) for tuba and tape
Premiere: Lucerne Festival 2022 (Lucerne, CH), 29.08.2022
Studio recording: Manchester, UK (recorded and mixed by Aaron Holloway-Nahum), 11.-12.04.2022
Simon Parkin, MORE SO (2005) for solo tuba
Premiere: Royal Northern College of Music (Manchester, UK), 19.06.2011
Alan Perrin, Soundless musical ideas hear occasionally or Hear occasionally soundless musical ideas …. (2018) for solo tuba
Premiere: Sonic Arts Research Centre, Queen’s University (Belfast, NI), 25.10.2018
Ulrich Pogoda, Integration (2016) for tuba and recorders
Premiere: Intersonanzen Festival (Potsdam, DE), 24.04.2016 (with Ivo Berg, recorders)
Sophie Pope, Something Sacred (2015) for solo tuba
Premiere: University of Leeds International Concert Series (Leeds, UK), 12.03.2020
Jesse Ronneau, , aber es werden Geister … (2019) for tuba, contrabass clarinet and live electronics
Score available from Edition Gravis (Contemporary Music for Tuba collection)
Premiere: Hošek Contemporary (Berlin, DE), 10.07.2019 (with Ingólfur Vilhjálmsson (contrabass clarinet)
Jesse Ronneau, Blight (2024) for serpent
Premiere: 18th Festival Síntese, Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Castelo Branco (Castelo Branco, PT), 28.09.2024
Jesse Ronneau, …bloßer Klang und Nachschall. (2023) for tuba and live electronics
Commission supported by Deutsche Musikrat (Neustart Kultur)
Score available from Edition Gravis (Contemporary Music for Tuba collection)
Premiere: Contemporary Insights Salon (Leipzig, DE), 29.04.2023
Studio recording: Schildau, DE, 20.04.2024 (awaiting release)
Jesse Ronneau: …yet none have returned (2024–25) for serpent and Max/MSP
Commission supported by the Stimulansmedel (Incentive Grant) of the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts of Lund University
Premiere: Lund Contemporary (Lund, SE), 07.02.2025
Studio recording: Malmö, SE (mixed and mastered by Dietrich Petzold) 09.02.2025
Jesse Ronneau, Carthage (2018) for solo tuba
Score available from Edition Gravis (Contemporary Music for Tuba collection)
Commission supported by Initiative Neue Musik Berlin
Premiere: Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music 2018 (Darmstadt, DE), 14.-28.07.2018
Studio recording: Schildau, DE, 02.07.2021
Rainer Rubbert, Depth (2018) for solo tuba
Score available from Edition Gravis (Contemporary Music for Tuba collection)
Commission supported by Initiative Neue Musik Berlin
Premiere: Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music 2018 (Darmstadt, DE), 14.-28.07.2018
Live recording: Unerhörte Music (BKA Theatre, Berlin, DE), 03.11.2020
Scott Rubin, ironic erratic erotic (2017) for dancer, tuba, double bass and motion-sensitive live electronics
Premiere: Hošek Contemporary (Berlin, DE), 17.04.2019
Andreas F. Staffel, Capriccio for Hardy (2020) for tuba and plush animals
Studio recording: Musikstudio Ohrpheo (Berlin, DE), 27.12.2020
Robin Stevens, Supplication (2010) for tuba and piano
Premiere: Royal Northern College of Music (Manchester, UK), 19.06.2011
Wolfgang Thiel, Winterballade (2002) for tuba and organ
Premiere: Intersonanzen Festival (Potsdam, DE), 24.04.2016 (with Tobias Scheetz, organ)
Gordon Williamson, Odd Couple #22 (2022) for electric guitar and tuba
Studio recording: Berlin (DE), 02.07.2022 (with Seth Josel, electric guitar)
Raimonda Žiūkaitė, Obsessed with me (2024) for tuba, electronics and video
Premiere: klangzeitort: Zoom+Focus (Berlin, DE), 11.02.2024
Raimonda Žiūkaitė, [Untitled] (2024) for tuba and voice
Premiere: Lucerne Festival, KKL (Lucerne, CH), 18.08.2024